Wednesday, 28 December 2011

The next project that we began working on was a response project. It helped me to manage my time skills and think of a response fairly quickly The first image posted was of half a window with the instruction of “put your window here” on the other half of the image. The idea was to respond to half a window that was posted on the Tumblr site. Many images were put up that showed a lot about that persons identiy that was again matched by the other persons personality. There were other images that had a contrast between photographic work and photoshop work.  Images were posted that had different lighting which made an interesting image. The conflict between light and dark worked really well together.

I posed an image of a window in my house. It was luckily a sunny day which helped. I chose to focus on what was out of the window rather than the actual window. It was a clear and crisp image that didn’t give much away about my persona or identity. The reply I got worked well with my image. Although it wasn’t the same type of window it matched up extremely well. The sense of freedom and happiness portrayed through my image was completely contrasted by the view of a brick wall from the responders image. There is also a contrast in colour which works well together, The image I posted reveals a bright colourful sky whereas on the response image it is dull, dark and the complete opposite with regards to colour. As much as there was a contrast to the images the window matched up perfectly, the responder had carefully ensured it matched up to give it some sort of connection.

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