Friday, 30 December 2011

Thematic Friday

A Tumblr account was set up for our group called “Thematic Friday” The idea was that a theme was posted every Friday. The theme would often be a word rather than an instruction like on Learn to Love You More. The response was to be a photograph responding to that theme.


 [ik-strawr-dn-er-ee, ek-struh-awr-] adjective beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established

The first theme was Extraordinary.  Around six images were posted which were all very different. There were dead animals on the road, a Jimmy Saville tribute and photoshopped pieces of work. Some images were a lot more abstract than others.


reduced to fragments; fragmented.ruptured; torn; fractured. not functioning properly; out of working order.Meteorology. (of sky cover) being more than half, but not totally, covered by clouds. Compare scattered

The next theme was ‘Broken’ which I participated in. I instantly referred to the jumper I was wearing which had ripped down the seam. I took the photograph and uploaded it on to Tumblr. There were other images on there that related to the sky and clouds breaking. Other images on the blog were of things that were literally broken such as Cd’s or windows which worked equally as well.

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