What’s Next? Is Foam’s search in to the future of photography? It is a website full of questions and hopefully the answers. The website talks and discusses about the future of photography and answering the question of what’s next? Throughout 2011 they creators of What’s Next have gathered together leading figures from different fields such as artistic, technological and sociological to ask them to think and formulate and idea, dream or vision about what they believe the future holds. After the statement has been put forward various experts are asked to give their views and make a short but inspiring statement about the question posed.
The website was created to ask the simple question of what’s next as photography has changed throughout the last twenty years. Ever changing processes and new ideas make photography continuously evolve. The digitalisation of photography plays a key part within the website therefore poses questions such as “Will chemical photography survive?” or “In the digital age is truth no longer important?” All these questions are put to the website openly for people to put forward their views on the debate.
The website follows certain themes:
- The photograph
- The Photographer
- Visual Culture
- The institution
- Technology
Put together these themes create the basis for lengthy discussions and a lot of contributions from people wanting to have their say.
Again this website follows the same concept as Learn to Love You more; it is a combination of a website that exists only by the input of the public. These websites wouldn’t function without people contributing. There are no rules on who can or can’t contribute which gives it a variety of opinions making it controversial at times.
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