Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Learn to love you more

Learn to Love You More is a website where assignments or instructions were given by artists Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher. It started over seven years ago and ended in 2009 where it now excists as an archive. It contains many different instructions which the public reply to if they decide to accept. The public will then photograph their perception of the instruction and submit it online. It only got accepted depending on if their image fit the specification.
The responses differ edmassively depending on that person’s life experience and outlook on life. The instructions were regularly updated and often new ones were added. The idea that many people around the world were all photographing the same theme or subject is astonishing.
When an assignment is selected it gave specifications on how you must format your image or text and how to upload it. It gave an example and some ideas on what could be involved. Currently there is a list of 70 instructions on the website. Here are some I found interesting:

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