Sunday, 8 January 2012

The street Photography Now Project is similar to the 4AM Project. Leading photographers would each week post a new instruction. The idea was to inspire fresh ways of seeing the world. The difference is that only photographers that were invited to respond could respond.
"Street Photography Now Project is collaboration between The Photographers’ Gallery, London and Sophie Howarth and Stephen McLaren, authors of Street Photography Now (Thames & Hudson).

Each week from 1 October 2010, a leading contemporary street photographer issued a new Instruction, written to inspire fresh ways of looking at and documenting the world we live in. Over the following six days, photographers around the world were invited to upload one photograph in response to a special Flickr Group.
The project has run for 52 weeks, ending with the last Instruction issued on the 23rd September 2011. During this time the project has received over 16,000 images uploaded from countries including China, Japan and South Korea, Brazil and Argentina, USA, Russia, Australia, UAE, Morocco and all across Europe, including of course the many submissions from the UK.

The aim was to build a global community of photographers exploring the rewards and challenges of documenting public life, an aim that has been more than fulfilled.” 

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