Thursday, 5 January 2012

These are some images form the 4am project. There were over 5000 images taken from around the world. The fact that over 5000 people ventured out of their homes at 4am to follow an instruction on the internet and to take part in something that isn’t compulsory is an amazing thought.

Some of these images were taken indoors, but the majority were outdoors to reflect the time the image was taken. The images reflect what type of places people are from therefore making the photograph tell a lot more. The people that have taken part in the 4am project have chosen to take part, they want to get involved and portray what their world is like at 4am.  Many of the images are done by the same people, wanting to show more than one vision.

These images are by someone called Linda Scannell. This person obviously wanted to show more than one image they had done. I think these images work really well together, although I’m not sure whether she submitted them in together or separately. I really like the lighting on these images, it portrays the time the image was taken, also it seems quite empty which again shows it was taken at 4am.

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