Friday, 13 January 2012

Mishka Henner has created many books about his work. There are a few that relate to the interdiscaplinary project.
Mishka Henner is a photographer based in Manchester.  He wrote a book called “No Man’s Land” whereby Henner explores different areas in Europe through Google Street View cameras. Google maps covers most of the world and can contain some very interesting images. Henner explores rural and urban areas to capture what apprears to be women soliciting sex. Henner researches local knowledge on areas where people share the whereabouts of sex workers. This then allowes Henner to find then easily and re-capture them.

This image has been captured in Italy. It is quite clearly a prostitue waiting for “business”. It is quite a contrasting image as it seems such a lonley and empty road but the lady is waiting for people to pass. Henner has capture this image in quite an interesting way. The road is central to the image with the women at the side of the road, looking quite small in comparison. This could portray something about his views on the lady .

This is another image quite similar in a few ways to the previous image. It is quite a lonley road with a opening to the woods where assumingley she would go do her “business”. It almost fels as if the viewer is spying on them as she has her back turend. It is a shocking insight as this is something that wouldn’t normally be seen day to day. Especially in the day time.

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