Friday, 13 January 2012

The instruction was to “Say it with flowers” – Johanna Neurath.   There were around 250 responses. Some were obvious that included flowers, some weren’t so straight forward.

This image was submitted. It is quite an interesting image depending on how you interoperate it. It could connote breaking free or the feeling of being trapped. I love the contrast of colours in this image and the strong colour of blue which should connote peace and calmness. I like the idea that certain people can only respond to this image but this will probably be something that the photographer see’s day to day. By sharing this image it gives others a view on that photographer’s insight on life.

 On the other hand there are images that aren’t so obvious. I found this image a few pages in on the Flickr page. This image at first glance is quite blank and doesn’t seem to relate to the instruction. I then noticed the small yellow flower/weed at the bottom, quite central to the image. Although it conforms to the instruction it is very different to the rest of the images posted on there. There is some words that have been painted over, almost hiding something.  There is a massive contrast within this image, along with opposing colours, it is set in a city scape but it’s almost as if the flowers are trying to creep their way back in, which is shown in this image.

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