Friday, 13 January 2012

Michael Wolf

 “Michael Wolf takes up this topic in his work "Street View", which has been started at the same time as "Tokyo Compression", and reinterprets the genre of the street photography in a highly unconventional way by using the almost inexhaustible picture pool of the Google Tool as basic material for his own images. With the camera in front of the screen he gets "his" images out of the automatically generated, authorless Google screens. “
Michael Wolf uses similar techniques to Mishka Henner.  Many of his projects are based around using the Google Street View tool. A spcific project I was interesting in was called “A series on Unfortunate Events”

It shows many different images showing people suffering in thier day to day life which have unfortunatley being caught on camera.

There are also images that have caught people breaking the law or doing wrong.

The image above shows what looks to be a drug deal about to happen. This shows people something that isn’t normally seen or a regular occurrence that is noticeable.  It gives an insight in to what the world can be like sometimes which is interesting. The next image is of a man carrying a gun, this is obviously a more powerful image. The man has been caught on camera carrying a gun quite casually. It is definitely something that I don’t see every day and find it quite shocking. It has a powerful impact on me and find it very interesting as it is a real image.

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