Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Sara T’rula

“Social Media is Overrated”

Sara T’rula visited us within college. There are a few comments she made about how to run and advertise you as a photographer. The first point she made was about using the same avatar. Whether it’s a website or Facebook page it is important to use the same display image so that people that are searching for you as a photographer can easily locate and find you. It is easier for people with unusual names but a name that is common will be harder for someone to locate.  

Sarah T’rula talked about Twitter, having followers on their can be very useful. Followers receive information that you put on their which will allow free advertisement. T’rula discussed following many influential people or people whose work you admire. This will then eventually increase your follower count.

T’rula discusses not to follow Magnum’s lead.  Magnums twitter page consists of spam about their own work and automated messages that aren’t of interest. Photography gallery also does the same, they have automated messages and do not directly respond to the tweets.  According to T’rula the key is to keep it informal and talkative. This creates a friendly and kind personal whereby people that are interested can contact you without feeling intimidated or nervous about it.  Sarah shows a good example of her discussion on her own twitter page. T’rula talks about day to day topics and replies to people individually.  Another thing is to not talk about yourself, as it can get boring for followers. Keeping followers up to date with new projects or photo shoots can interest them and show that the work is an on-going progress.

Another point Sara T’rula made was how Facebook, Twitter and blogs should always link back to the main website. If someone finds a Facebook page by luck, by having a website page there it will always direct them to the main website.

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