Monday, 2 January 2012

I wanted to respond to both images as my partner had gone to the effort of posting two images I thought it was only fair to reply to them both. The first image was of a pigs ear, it was quite detailed but what I noticed first was the hole in the background of the image. Although it was out of focus, that was what I decided to base my image around. I found a cardboard tube and started photographing things through the box. I photographer some old curtains and ornaments. In the end I settled for photographing a wine pottery cask. I felt that it wasn’t a straight forward response and wasn’t related to the theme of animals or death, but I focused on the shape and composition more than anything.

These images are some I took before I photographed the final one. I photographed certain things that would maybe give away something about my identity.I photographed some small draws I had in my room. The next thing I photographed were some old curtains we have in the kitchen. I think this image works really well, the image through the tube is really clear and in focus. The tube that I photographed it through gave it a border which worked really well. I also photographed some antique books I had. I don’t think this image really related to the image therefore wasn’t going to be a successful photograph. In order for this image to follow on from the image Freya had posted it had to relate in some way. I photographed this wine pottery casket which related in colour, photographing through the cardboard tube was my initial thought when I saw the hole in the pigs ear.

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