Sunday, 1 January 2012

The next image was quite similar in a few ways. The light background I believe was purposely done so it tied together well. I am still unsure of what this image is of. My first thoughts were it was a dead animal as it looked like shrivelled up skin. I then thought of it as a piece of wood or a piece of fruit as that was a recognisable running theme. It almost looked like a decomposed piece of food.

To respond to this image I went back to my first idea, which was a decomposed animal. I couldn’t help but think of something dying. I had the opportunity to take photographs at a farm where there had just been a shoot. There was a container full of dead birds that had been shot earlier that week and hung up. There were pigeons, pheasants and squirrels. I thought a pheasant would be a good photograph as it was similar colours as the picture that had been posted. I photographed the birds altogether but there was very little light and not much emphasis on the pheasants. I took two pheasants home which I then hung up against a white wall. I over exposed to create a very bright image, I also used on camera flash to make it even brighter. I am pleased with this image. It refers to the theme of death that I believe existed in the previous image. It also relates regarding the colour of the subject and background.

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