Tuesday, 17 January 2012

I continued to contact Freya, which was quite difficult as we both seemed quite busy and kept missing each other.  We had a lot to discuss so we arranged to be online at the same time so we could discuss it properly.

We first discussed about the size frames we had, I informed her that we each had an A1 frame. The issue we then faced was how many images we would put in the frames; we discussed whether to do one or multiple images. After much discussion we decided to use the themes that ran through the collaboration; death, identity and addiction. We decided that for the death theme I would use my pheasant image and Freya would use her shrivelled courgette. I believed this would work really well together, they have similar colours and both represent some sort of death.

The next theme we focused on was addiction, I really like Freya’s image of the pills, I told her I thought the sweets worked well with the pill image with regards to the colours.  Freya liked her image of the red jelly as again the colours were similar.

After much discussion we were finding it extremely hard to pick an image from each theme. The final theme which was identity was the hardest of all. I didn’t particularly like any of my identity images; I did like the red dye in the water image which related well to the red wax image Freya posted. We talked about different images that worked well together.  The final images we found difficult, I suggested that we found an image to respond with my first images as we both liked them. Freya said she had an image of a split banana that would work well with my fruit themes images but it ended up that she couldn’t find it.

The final conclusion was;

Pheasants and Courgette

Pills and sweets

Water and wax

We left it at that but over the next few days as I thought about it more I thought one image each would create a bigger impact. I asked Freya about this and she said she was happy with that as it would create a bigger impact and less hassel. Unfortunately due to broken communication we both printed our final images different sizes. I am disappointed with myself for making this mistake although I am very pleased with the final outcome.

 If we were to do an image for each theme we would have to make the images quite small. I thought about having the edges of each image line up perfectly so it ran vertically in a straight line. This would ensure it looked neat and tidy.

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